WEP23  ポスター②  8月30日 14号館1432教室 13:30-15:30
Design of the Low energy beam transport line for the JAEA-ADS linac
○イーレンドン ブルース,近藤 恭弘,田村 潤,明午 伸一郎,前川 藤夫(JAEA)
○Bruce Yee-rendon, Yasuhiro Kondo, Jun Tamura, Shin-inchiro Meigo, Fujio Maekawa (JAEA)
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is proposing a 30-MW proton linear accelerator (linac) for the application of accelerator-driven subcritical system (ADS) technology to achieve nuclear waste transmutation. A major challenge for the JAEA-ADS linac is the efficient transport of a 35 keV proton beam from the ion source to the radio-frequency quadrupole. In order to achieve this goal, we have optimized a magnetostatic low energy beam transport (LEBT) consisting of two solenoids to reduce the transmission of high-charge ions generated by the source and minimize the growth of proton emittance, while taking into account various space-charge compensation scenarios. In this report, we present the optical design and discuss the multiparticle tracking results of the JAEA-ADS LEBT.