TUP52  ポスター①  8月29日 14号館1444教室 13:30-15:30
KEK 電子陽電子入射器におけるレーザーから新 RF 参照位相の導入
New RF reference signal generation by RF gun laser source at KEK electron/positron injector linac
○周 翔宇(高エネ研/総研大),熊野 宏樹,豊富 直之(三菱電機システムサービス),吉田 光宏(高エネ研/総研大)
○Xiangyu Zhou (KEK/SOKENDAI), Hiroki Kumano, Naoyuki Toyotomi (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co.), Mitsuhiro Yoshida (KEK/SOKENDAI)
The stability of the RF phase in the LINAC of SuperKEKB is affected by the high voltage of the klystron and the temperature of the cooling water in the accelerating structure. To improve the stability of the RF phase, a new RF signal is generated by the RF gun's laser source, which is synchronized with a 2856 MHz signal. The laser output is transmitted through a free space area to sector B and detected by a photodetector, which is not impacted by temperature fluctuations or klystron interference.