THP11  ポスター③  8月31日 14号館1422教室 13:30-15:30
LAN-DIO (Digital-IO to LAN) コンバータの評価
Evaluation of a LAN-DIO (Digital-IO to LAN) Converter
○楊 敏,上窪田 紀彦(KEK),都丸 隆行(NAOJ)
○Min Yang, Norihiko Kamikubota (KEK), Takayuki Tomaru (NAOJ)
In J-PARC, digital-IO signals are often handled by PLC D-IO modules. Even when number of signals is less than 8, a PLC-CPU module is necessary. This fact results in slightly high cost. A commercial LAN-DIO converter, FutureNet XIO-100, has been tested as an alternate low-cost solution. The converter has 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs, which can be monitored/controlled through Ethernet or a serial line (RS-485/232). The remote communication is based on Modbus protocol. An EPICS support for the converter was developed using StreamDevice. Then, a converter was tested at KAGRA. In the spring of 2023, remote monitoring of vacuum devices (two gate valves, a roots pump and an ion pump) is realized successfully. The details of the converter, development of EPICS support, and the evaluation at KAGRA will be described.