THOB4  加速器技術(粒子源)  8月31日 13号館1326教室 10:00-10:20
Past activities and prospects of RaDIATE collaboration at J-PARC
○牧村 俊助(KEK, J-PARC),中平 武(J-PARC, KEK),明午 伸一郎,直江 崇(J-PARC, JAEA),石田 卓,的場 史朗,佐藤 洋一,高橋 仁,渡邉 瑛介,吉田 誠(J-PARC, KEK),涌井 隆,斎藤 滋,森下 卓俊,仲野谷 孝充,増山 康一(J-PARC, JAEA),RaDIATE collaboration(RaDIATE)
○Shunsuke Makimura (KEK, J-PARC), Takeshi Nakadaira (J-PARC, KEK), Shin-ichiro Meigo, Takashi Naoe (J-PARC, JAEA), Taku Ishida, Shiro Matoba, Yoichi Sato, Hitoshi Takahashi, Eisuke Watanabe, Makoto Yoshida (J-PARC, KEK), Takashi Wakui, Shigeru Saito, Takatoshi Morishita, Takamitsu Nakanoya, Koichi Masuyama (J-PARC, JAEA), Collaboration Radiate (RaDIATE)
In proton accelerator facilities, targets are irradiated by proton beams, and experiments in particle nuclear physics and material life science are being conducted using the secondary particles. However, irradiation damage and thermal shock in the target, beam window, and other beam-intercepting components limit the beam intensity and the operation time in future facility. Research of material resistance to irradiation damage and thermal shock is an important issue common to all advanced accelerator facilities in the world. So, the international cross-disciplinary collaboration, RaDIATE, Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments, was established in Japan, the North America., and Europe. J-PARC officially participated in the project in December 2017. So far, J-PARC has conducted the research mainly under collaboration with Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory by performing high-energy proton irradiation at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Post Irradiation Examination at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and thermal shock experiments at CERN-HiRadMat. In this presentation, the past activities and the prospects of RaDIATE collaboration will be presented.