WEP051  ポスター②  10月19日 会議室P 13:00-15:00
Laser system for SuperKEKB RF gun and its multi-functionalized application
○張 叡,周 翔宇(高エネルギー加速器研究機構),豊富 直之,熊野 宏樹(三菱電機システムサービス(株)),吉田 光宏(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
○Rui Zhang, Xiangyu Zhou (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)), Naoyuki Toyotomi, Hiroki Kumano (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd.), Mitsuhiro Yoshida (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Electron beam generated by RF gun is used for SuperKEKB high energy ring (HER) injection. Based on the commissioning experience before, stable and continuous injection has been realized successfully. In order to generate high charge electron beam, upgrade of Nd:YAG laser amplification modules and amplification of powerful modules have been adopted in our laser system. Meanwhile, with the aim of generating a high charge beam with low emittance, essential spatial reshaping of UV laser has been investigated. Diffractive optical element (DOE) is set in UV laser part for studying and operation. The best emittance measurement results in B-sector and BT part have been achieved for better HER injection. Finally, we also realized the multi-functionality of the 2nd laser line for HER electron beam generation and photocathode cleaning during SuperKEKB commissioning.