TUP044  ポスター①  10月18日 会議室P 13:30-15:30
Development of high temperature superconducting ECRIS with REBCO coils
○荘 浚謙,福田 光宏,依田 哲彦,神田 浩樹,畑中 吉治,斎藤 高嶺,安田 裕介,森田 泰之,武田 佳次朗,原 隆文,Zhao Hang,橘高 正樹,松井 昇大朗(阪大RCNP),石山 敦士(早大),野口 聡(北大),植田 浩士(岡山大),福井 聡(新潟大),松原 雄二,三上 行雄,吉田 潤,平山 貴士(住友重機),長屋 重夫,渡辺 智則(中部電力)
○Tsun Him Chong, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Tetsuhiko Yorita, Hiroki Kanda, Kichiji Hatanaka, Takane Saito, Yusuke Yasuda, Yasuyuki Morita, Keijiro Takeda, Takafumi Hara, Hang Zhao, Masaki Kittaka, Shotaro Matsui (RCNP), Atsushi Ishiyama (Waseda Univ.), So Noguchi (Hokkaido Univ.), Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama Univ.), Satoshi Fukui (Niigata Univ.), Yuji Matsubara, Yukio Mikami, Jun Yoshida, Takashi Hirayama (SHI Ltd), Shigeo Nagaya, Tomonori Watabe (Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc)
A High Temperature Superconducting ECR ion source (HTS-ECR) is under development in RCNP, Osaka University. The magnetic mirror and sextupole fields of the HTS-ECR will be produced by three circular and six racetrack REBCO coils respectively. Performance tests of the second-generation high temperature superconducting coils were positioned as a key technology development of the skeleton cyclotron, an air-core compact accelerator using REBCO coils as main magnets. The HTS-ECR was designed for both 2.45 GHz and 10 GHz operation in order to estimate the coils’ capability of modifying magnetic field configuration in a short time. In this work, results of the low temperature performance test of the REBCO coils will be presented. Besides, the magnetic field configuration and plasmas chamber design for both 2.45 GHz and 10 GHz operation, aimed for high intensity proton, deuteron and He2+ production, will also be discussed.