FROA02  ハドロン加速器①  10月21日 会議室A 9:20-9:40
System integration and technical readiness for FRIB accelerator commissioning
○Ao Hiroyuki,Arend Ben,Bultman Nathan,Casagrande Fabio,Compton Chris,Cortesi Marco,Curtin John,Davidson Kelly,Elliott Kyle,Ewert Brandon,Ganshyn Andrei,Glasmacher Thomas,Hao Yue,Hausmann Marc,Holland Kent,Ikegami Masanori,Jager Davin,Jones Shelly,Joseph Nathan,Kanemura Takuji,Kim Sang-hoon,Larmann Mike,LeTourneau John,Lidia Steven,Machicoane Guillaume,Mugerian Martin,Manwiller Peter,Miller Samuel,Morris Dan,Ostroumov Peter N.,Popielarski John,Popielarski Laura,Priller John,Ren Haitao,Saito Kenji,Stolz Andreas,Walker Roben,Wang Xiaole,Wei Jie,West Genevieve,Xu Ting,Yamazaki Yoshishige,Yoonhyuck Choi,Zhao Qiang(FRIB, MSU)
○Hiroyuki Ao, Ben Arend, Nathan Bultman, Fabio Casagrande, Chris Compton, Marco Cortesi, John Curtin, Kelly Davidson, Kyle Elliott, Brandon Ewert, Andrei Ganshyn, Thomas Glasmacher, Yue Hao, Marc Hausmann, Kent Holland, Masanori Ikegami, Davin Jager, Shelly Jones, Nathan Joseph, Takuji Kanemura, Sang-hoon Kim, Mike Larmann, John Letourneau, Steven Lidia, Guillaume Machicoane, Martin Mugerian, Peter Manwiller, Samuel Miller, Dan Morris, Peter N. Ostroumov, John Popielarski, Laura Popielarski, John Priller, Haitao Ren, Kenji Saito, Andreas Stolz, Roben Walker, Xiaole Wang, Jie Wei, Genevieve West, Ting Xu, Yoshishige Yamazaki, Choi Yoonhyuck, Qiang Zhao (FRIB, MSU)
After Michigan State University (MSU) was selected for the site of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in 2008, technical construction started from 2014. The FRIB accelerator attained Key Performance Parameters (KPP) of project completion (CD-4) defined by US Department of Energy (DOE) in December 2021, and beam was finally delivered through the entire FRIB project scope in January 2022. The FRIB accelerator is the world’s highest-energy Continuous Wave (CW) hadron linac and designed to accelerate all stable ions to energies above 200 MeV/u. During the construction, FRIB pursued a phased commissioning approach to proceed with installation and commissioning in parallel. Beamline installation and beam test started from the Front End segment, and then the beam line was extended to Transfer Hall in several steps. This paper seeks to describe system integration and technical readiness for FRIB accelerator commissioning and give an overview of the FRIB installation and commissioning until the project completion.