WEP027  ビーム診断・ビーム制御  8月11日 会議室P 13:10 - 15:10
Analysis of beam aborts at SuperKEKB with the bunch current and oscillation recorder
○周 徳民,飛山 真理,大見 和史,中山 浩幸(高エネ)
○Demin Zhou, Makoto Tobiyama, Kazuhito Ohmi, Hiroyuki Nakayama (KEK)
In SuperKEKB, the bunch current monitor (BCM) and the bunch oscillation recorder (BOR) have been developed for the bunch-by-bunch feedback system and are also used to record the turn-by-turn (TbT) data in bunch-by-bunch (BxB) mode prior to each beam abort. The causes of the beam aborts can be diagnosed using the dedicated beam abort monitor system. Meanwhile, the BCM/BOR data can provide additional information concerning beam instabilities. For example, the TbT patterns of the BOR data can show a clear correlation with hardware malfunctions. The BxB tunes can be extracted from spectrum analysis of the TbT data, showing certain modes of beam motions. This work reports the preliminary analyses of BCM/BOR data from various beam aborts at SuperKEKB. It represents an effort of correlating the beam aborts with possible hardware malfunctions or beam instabilities.