TUP010  加速器土木・放射線防護/真空  8月10日 会議室P 12:50 - 14:50
Study on copper thermal spray coating to mitigate electron cloud effect
○ヤウ ムーリー(総研大),末次 祐介,柴田 恭(KEK, 総研大),久松 広美(KEK),石橋 拓弥(KEK, 総研大),照井 真司,金澤 健一(KEK),西殿 敏朗,地場 弘行(コミヤマエレクトロン株式会社)
○Mulee Yao (SOKENDAI), Yusuke Suetsugu, Kyo Shibata (KEK,SOKENDAI), Hiromi Hisamatsu (KEK), Takuya Ishibashi (KEK,SOKENDAI), Shinji Terui, Ken-ichi Kanazawa (KEK), Toshiro Nishidono, Hiroyuki Chiba (Komiyama Electron Corp.)
In our previous studies, we have confirmed that the copper thermal spray coating can reduce secondary electron yield (SEY), but there were still some differences in SEY under different spray conditions. We suspected this was caused by the difference in surface temperature during spraying, so we adjusted the air cooling and the material of the sample backboard to control the surface temperature during spraying, and then measured the SEY, surface composition and roughness of these samples. In addition, we have also produced a straight aluminum beam pipe with copper thermal spray coating that can be installed in SuperKEKB, in order to observe the effect of the coating on reducing the electron cloud in the future. In this report, we discuss some problems and solutions encountered when making the beam pipe, such as the control of the coating edge, the deformation and oxidation during welding, etc.