TUOA04  ハドロン加速器/ビーム診断・ビーム制御①  8月10日 会議室A 16:50 - 17:10
Titanium nitride-coated ceramic break for wall current monitors with an improved broadband frequency response
○菖蒲田 義博(JAEA/J-PARC),外山 毅(KEK/J-PARC)
○Yoshihiro Shobuda (JAEA/J-PARC), Takeshi Toyama (KEK/J-PARC)
The beam impedance of a ceramic break with titanium nitride (TiN) coating consists of three electric components in parallel: resistive wall term caused by TiN, radiation term, and capacitive term made by the ceramic itself. The entire wall current continues to run in the thin TiN even when the skin depth is much larger than the chamber thickness, except for the extremely thin TiN satisfying the condition that the radiation loss from the ceramic break becomes lower than the energy loss due to the dc current on the thin TiN. This characteristic is useful in developing a wall current monitor with an improved frequency response. This study demonstrates the feature of the “ceramic break” monitor up to a few GHz from the theoretical and measurement points of view.