FRPP41  ポスターセッション③  9月4日 ポスター会場 10:30-12:30
Study on the secondary electron yield of aluminum surface thermal-sprayed with copper powder and its feasibility to the SuperKEKB beam pipes
○ヤウ ムーリー(総研大),末次 祐介,柴田 恭(総研大, KEK),久松 広美(KEK),石橋 拓弥(総研大, KEK),照井 真司(KEK),西殿 敏朗,地場 弘行(コミヤマエレクトロン株式会社)
○Mulee Yao (SOKENDAI), Yusuke Suetsugu, Kyo Shibata (SOKENDAI, KEK), Hiromi Hisamatsu (KEK), Takuya Ishibashi (SOKENDAI, KEK), Shinji Terui (KEK), Toshiro Nishidono, Hiroyuki Chiba (Komiyama Electron Corp.)
To investigate the effect of the copper thermal-sprayed coating on reducing the secondary electron yield (SEY) and verify its feasibility for accelerators as a countermeasure against the electron cloud effect (ECE), we coated the aluminum substrates (A6063) with copper powder by thermal spraying and measured their SEY, roughness, and outgassing rate. In addition, to establish the coating method for the beam pipes of the SuperKEKB positron ring, we also tested two different ways of the thermal spray to the cutting models of the extruded alumimum pipes of the SuperKEKB. Thus, we can observe the effects of spraying at different angles on SEY etc. In the study of the relationship between SEY and roughness, we found that SEY is more correlated with Sa√Spd, where Sa is arithmetical mean height and Spd is density of peaks, than Sdr (developed interfacial area ratio). Because Sa and Spd have lower resolution requirements for the microscope than Sdr, the experimental results obtained so far can be more consistent with the simulation results by using Sa√Spd.