THPI004  加速構造  8月1日 国際科学イノベーション棟5階 ホワイエ 13:30-15:30
Electroplating of Nb3Sn for SRF applications
○井藤 隼人(総合研究大学院大学),早野 仁司,文珠四郎 秀昭(高エネルギー加速器研究機構),菊池 章弘(国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構)
○Hayato Ito (SOKENDAI / KEK), Hitoshi Hayano, Hideaki Monjushiro (KEK), Akihiro Kikuchi (NIMS)
Nb3Sn is one of the powerful candidates for the surface material of SRF cavities since it enables cavity to operate at higher temperature with high quality factor and has the potential to achieve high accelerating gradient. Electroplating method to produce Nb3Sn on Nb substrates has been developed and optimized at Fermilab. In this method, Nb3Sn is obtained by electroplating Cu intermediate layer and Sn layer on Nb, and then thermal treatment in an inert atmosphere is performed at a maximum temperature of 700℃. In order to confirm the reproducibility and dramatically advance the research on cavity application, KEK started electroplating of Nb3Sn with the same method but different plating solution. The Nb3Sn electroplating samples were characterized by SEM/EDS analyses. In this paper, the detail of the electroplating method in KEK and the evaluation of the electroplating sample are reported.