FRPH015  LLRF  8月2日 百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホール 10:50-12:50
Performance Test of RF Reference Phase Stabilization System over Optical Link for SuperKEKB Injector LINAC
○リュウ ナ(総研大),三浦 孝子,松本 利広(総研大/高エ研),荒川 大,片桐 広明,矢野 喜治(高エ研),チュウ フェン,道園 真一郎(総研大/高エ研),ドゥ バイテイン(総研大)
○Na Liu (SOKENDAI), Takako Miura, Toshihiro Matsumoto (SOKENDAI/KEK), Dai Arakawa, Hiroaki Katagiri, Yoshiharu Yano (KEK), Feng Qiu, Shinichiro Michizono (SOKENDAI/KEK), Baiting Du (SOKENDAI)
SuperKEKB injector LINAC comprises 600m beam lines and 8 sectors. The 2856 MHz RF reference signals are distributed to each sector over phase stabilized optical fiber (PSOF). The RF reference phase stability requirement is estimated 0.2 degree (RMS) corresponding to 200 fs. In order to stabilize the reference phase, three types of RF reference phase stabilization system by using optical circulator, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technique and interferometer are developed and demonstrated in the laboratory. The phase drift is compensated with a piezo-driven fiber stretcher according to the returned phase drift detected by the phase monitor. The transmitted phase through 120 m PSOF is stabilized within 50 fs (pk-pk) which fulfilled the requirement for SuperKEKB injector LINAC.