FRPH001  加速器制御  8月2日 百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホール 10:50-12:50
The Diagnosis of Event Timing System in SuperKEKB Linac
○王 迪(総研大 加速器科学),佐藤 正則,古川 和朗(高エネルギー加速器研究機構),工藤 拓弥,草野 史郎(三菱電機システムサービス),飯塚 祐一(東日本技術研究所)
○Di Wang (SOKENDAI Accelerator Science), Masanori Satoh, Kazuro Furukawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)), Takuya Kudou, Shiro Kusano (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service), Yuichi Iitsuka (East Japan Instititue of Technology)
We introduced MRF event timing system in injector linac in SuperKEKB to satisfy our demands. The event timing system is utilized to distribute high level of precision timing signals and accompanying control instructions to synchronize different subsystems and machines. EVG generates beam pulse pattern every 20 ms which contains several event codes while EVR receives them. The minimal event time intervals are 50 us. To certain that events are consistent between EVG and EVR, we need to compare them one by one. Since EVR is deployed in the MVME5500 chassis but the CPU frequency (1G Hz) of MVME5500 is not fast enough to send every event by EPICS Chanel Access. An EVR based events diagnostic system is thus developed by modifying the device support of some records as well as EVR driver mrfioc2 to send the event codes by group thus comparing the received event codes with the beam-pattern control orders from beam operation and detecting the event timing fault as well as providing a logging system of persistent event data. Then, we are able to locate the fault, analyse the data, fix bugs or replace hardware and resume accelerator operation quickly.