WEP074  電磁石と電源  8月8日 大展示ホール 13:10 - 15:10
Evaluation and improvement of pulse power supply for accelerator
○Gong Zheng,須貝 太一(長岡技術科学大学),德地 明(株式会社パルスパワー技術研究所),江 偉華(長岡技術科学大学)
○Zheng Gong, Taichi Sugai (Nagaoka University of Technology), Akira Tokuchi (Pulsed Power Japan Laboratory Ltd.), Weihua Jiang (Nagaoka University of Technology)
In the International Linear Collider (ILC) project, 10 MW Multi-Beam klystron are used as power supply. Multi-Beam klystron specifications are -120kV (±0.5%), 140A, 1.65ms, 5Hz. We use a chopper-type Marx power supply that combines a Marx circuit and a step-down chopper circuit to provide long pulse power. Each Marx cell can provides an output voltage of -1.6kV,4 Marx cells as a unit can provides -6.4kV output voltage, and 20 units as a system can provide -128kV output voltage. However, the use of a chopper will certainly generate a peak voltage, which may cause breakdowns of electronic components. This report studies the effect of the above factors on the output of the power supply by adjusting the capacitance and resistance of the power supply circuit, adjusting the duty cycle, and adjusting the temperature.