THP120  加速器応用・産業利用  8月9日 大展示ホール 13:10 - 15:10
放射性11C+ イオンビームの質量分離のための二重収束電磁石の設計
Desgn of the double focusing magnet for mass separation of a 11C+ radioactive ion beam
○野田 章(放医研),グリーザー マンフレッド(マックスプランク原子核研究所),宮原 信幸,片桐 健,北條 悟,涌井 崇志,白井 敏之,野田 耕司(放医研)
○Akira Noda (NIRS), Manfred Grieser (MPIK), Nobuyuki Miyahara, Ken Katagiri, Satoru Hojo, Takashi Wakui, Toshiyuki Shirai, Koji Noda (NIRS)
At NIRS, re-acceleration of unstable 11C ion beam with the medical synchrotron, HIMAC has been pursuit in order to enable the real-time imaging of carbon ion irradiation into malignant tumor. Up to now 11C6+ ion beam has been tried with very limited intensities of ~10E5 per pulse created with a nuclear reaction of 12C6+ ion beams accelerated by HIMAC (so-called “Projectile Fragment Separation Scheme”) and it was not possible to attain good enough signal to noise ratio to obtain a diagnosable imaging. Recently the usage of 11C ion beam, produced by irradiation of a high intensity proton beam coming from a cyclotron has been investigated. For this purpose, we have studied the separation of the molecular 11CO2+ ion beam from the overwhelming 12CO2+ ion beam with the use of a double focusing magnet. The design of the double focusing magnet as well as the scheme to supply 11C4+ radioactive ions to HIMAC Injector to re-accelerate for cancer therapy is to be presented.