THP103  LLRF  8月9日 大展示ホール 13:10 - 15:10
Phase Difference Monitor between SuperKEKB Injector LINAC and Rings using Direct Sampling Technique
○リュウ ナ(総研大),三浦 孝子,松本 利広(総研大/高エ研),荒川 大,片桐 広明(高エ研),チュー フェン,道園 真一郎(総研大/高エ研),デウ バイテイン(総研大),矢野 喜治(高エ研)
○Na Liu (SOKENDAI), Takako Miura, Toshihiro Matsumoto (SOKENDAI/KEK), Dai Arakawa, Hiroaki Katagiri (KEK), Feng Qiu, Shinichiro Michizono (SOKENDAI/KEK), Baiting Du (SOKENDAI), Yoshiharu Yano (KEK)
The beam injection phase from the injector LINAC to SuperKEKB rings drifts several degrees or more per day depending on the temperature and humidity etc. The monitoring and compensation system of the phase drift between the LINAC and the rings is important for stable beam injection. The frequency of the master oscillator (MO) of the LINAC and the rings is 571.2 MHz and 508.9 MHz, respectively. By the direct sampling technique using the common sampling frequency, both MO signals are monitored.