THP016  ハドロン加速器  8月9日 大展示ホール 13:10 - 15:10
J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロンにおけるレーザー荷電変換入射実現に向けた原理検証実験の進捗状況
Progress status of proof-of-principle demonstration of 400 MeV H- laser stripping at J-PARC 3-GeV RCS
○サハ プラナブ クマル,原田 寛之,三浦 昭彦,吉本 政弘,菅沼 和明,金正 倫計(原子力機構, J-PARC),佐藤 篤(NAT),山根 功,入江 吉郎,劉 勇(KEK),井上 峻介(京大, 化研),米田 仁紀,道根 百合奈(電通大, レーザー研)
○Pranab Kumar Saha, Hiroyuki Harada, Akihiko Miura, Masahiro Yoshimoto, Kazuaki Suganuma, Michikazu Kinsho (JAEA, J-PARC), Atsushi Sato (NAT), Isao Yamane, Yoshiro Irie, Yong Liu (KEK), Shunsuke Inoue (Kyoto U., ICR), Hitoki Yoneda, Yurina Michine (UEC, ILS)
In the 3-GeV RCS of J-PARC, a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H- (negative hydrogen) stripping to protons by using only lasers is under preparation. The laser stripping of H- holds the promise of overcome and eliminating the short lifetime, unexpected foil failure and also extremely high residual radiation at injection area associated with stripper foil conventionally used for the H- stripping injection. In the 3 steps process of our newly proposed method, the H- at first is neutralized to H0 by using a Nd:YAG laser of 1064 nm. An ArF excimer laser of 193 nm is then used for ground state (n=1) H0 exciting up to 3rd (n=3) states producing H0*. Finally the H0* is stripped to protons in the 3rd step again by using a Nd:YAG laser. The POP experimental studies will be conducted at the end section of J-PARC Linac. The vacuum chamber for the experiment has already been installed. The R&D studies of the lasers as well as H- manipulation are also in progress. We will apply multiple approaches and experimental techniques to increase stripping efficiency. The present progress status, detail of experimental strategy and the plans are presented.