WEP080  ビーム診断・ビーム制御  8月2日 第1,2,3,4会議室他 13:00 - 15:00
Measurements of the energy distribution of the electron cloud at J-PARC MR
○Bruce Yee-rendon, Hironori Kuboki, Ryotaro Muto, Masashi Okada, Masahito Tomizawa, Takeshi Toyama (KEK/J-PARC)
The energy of the electrons plays a relevant role in the electron cloud build-up, according to the Secondary Emission Yield (SEY) curve, different incident electron energies create a distinct amount of secondary electrons at the beam pipes. The electron cloud detector at J-PARC MR is a Retarding Field Analyzer with a sweeping electrode. The measurements of electron energy were done by varying the voltage repelled of the grid of the electron cloud detector to select the energy of the electrons that were collected on the detector plate. The knowledge of the incident energy helps to estimate the interaction between the electrons cloud and the beam distribution, consequently, it allows us to develop a more precise model of this phenomenon.