WEP029  ハドロン加速器  8月2日 第1,2,3,4会議室他 13:00 - 15:00
Progresses of J-PARC linac commissioning
○劉 勇(高エネ研)
○Yong Liu (KEK)
In the past year J-PARC linac accomplished many upgrades. Separated amplifiers were ready for the chopper cavities, and the ringing effects due to previous connection in series were cured. Newly designed bunch shape monitors for MEBT1 (3 MeV) and MEBT2-ACS(~200MeV) were tested on-line, which will work for the longitudinal measurement and 3D matching to DTL and ACS. Lattices in the 200~400MeV part (ACS section) with actually redesigned both in transverse and longitudinal planes were studied and tested. Results of successfully mitigated beam loss from the intra-beam stripping effect were obtained.