WEOL05  ハドロン加速器1  8月2日 講堂(2F) 10:10 - 10:30
Preparation status and prospects of the muon acceleration with RFQ in J-PARC
○北村 遼(東大理),大谷 将士(KEK),近藤 恭弘(JAEA),Bae Sunghan,Choi Seonho(SNU),深尾 祥紀,二ツ川 健太(KEK),長谷川 和男(JAEA),飯沼 裕美(茨城大),石田 勝彦(理研),河村 成肇(KEK),Kim Bongho(SNU),三部 勉,三宅 康博(KEK),森下 卓俊(JAEA),Razuvaev Gosha(BINP),齊藤 直人(J-PARCセンター),下村 浩一郎,Strasser Patrick(KEK)
○Ryo Kitamura (Univ. of Tokyo), Masashi Otani (KEK), Yasuhiro Kondo (JAEA), Sunghan Bae, Seonho Choi (SNU), Yoshinori Fukao, Kenta Futatsukawa (KEK), Kazuo Hasegawa (JAEA), Hiromi Iinuma (Ibaraki Univ.), Katsuhiko Ishida (RIKEN), Naritoshi Kawamura (KEK), Bongho Kim (SNU), Tsutomu Mibe, Yasuhiro Miyake (KEK), Takatoshi Morishita (JAEA), Gosha Razuvaev (BINP), Naohito Saito (J-PARC Center), Koichiro Shimomura, Patrick Strasser (KEK)
J-PARC E34 experiment aims to measure muon g-2 and EDM with the novel techniques. One of the important techniques is the muon linear accelerator (muon linac). The first trial of the muon RF acceleration test with Radio-Frequency Quadrupole linac (RFQ) is planned toward the development of the muon linac. The prototype RFQ for the J-PARC proton linac will be used for the muon acceleration. The several test experiments of the development of the slow muon source was carried out in J-PARC Material and Life science Facility (MLF) muon test beam line (D-line). The slow muon source is required because the input energy of the prototype RFQ is about 5.6 keV. The production of decelerated positive muons and negative muoniums using the thin aluminum foil target were successful by the slow-muon dedicated beam line. The beam profile of the decelerated positive muons was measured by the beam profile monitor for the low energy muons. The beam time of MLF for the muon acceleration test with the prototype RFQ is assigned in this autumn. The setup of the RFQ test is being prepared. This presentation reports the latest status of the preparation and prospects.