TUOLP03  合同セッション  8月1日 クラーク会館 11:00 - 11:30
超伝導空洞の物理: 高Q値・高加速勾配空洞の実現に向けて
Physics of superconducting cavity: towards realizations of high-Q and high gradient cavities
○久保 毅幸(KEK/総研大)
○Takayuki Kubo (KEK/SOKENDAI)
The field of superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavity is indeed in a golden age. Experimental and theoretical progresses in 2010s, such as N doping, Ti doping, efficient flux expulsion, N infusion, Nb3Sn, and multilayer, are drastically changing the regime of R&D activities in the world. Some of them will be soon equiped and operated in accelerators. In the present talk, we discuss these hottest topic: cutting-edge technologies and proposed next technologies. We start from a brief review of basics of SRF based on the SRF theory. Then introduce the latest technologies and possible theoretical explanation of them. Finally the future SRF technologies are discussed. Throughout the talk, theoretical explanations are emphasized.