SUP080  ポスターセッション2  8月4日 豊田講堂2階ロビー 13:00 - 15:00
J-PARC MRにおけるEPICS IOCのソフトウェアツールキットの更新
Upgrade of software toolkits for EPICS Input Output Controllers in J-PARC Main Ring
○山田 秀衛(KEK / J-PARCセンター)
○Shuei Yamada (KEK / J-PARC center)
J-PARC Main Ring started operation in 2008. Its control system is developed based on EPICS toolkit running on Linux. Input Output Controllers have been using EPICS 3.14.7 and Scientific Linux 4. Upgrades to the latest versions of EPICS and Scientific Linux are planned since the support for Scientific Linux 4 was ended. This article describes status and prospects of the upgrade.