SUP020  ポスターセッション2  8月4日 豊田講堂1階アトリウム 13:00 - 15:00
Development of advanced THz generation schemes at KEK LUCX facility
○Alexander Aryshev, Sakai Araki, Masafumi Fukuda, Konstantin Lekomtsev, Mikhail Shevelev, Junji Urakawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), Alexander Potylitsyn (Tomsk Polytechnic University), Kazuyuki Sakaue (Waseda University)
The motivation for developing a linac-based THz source at KEK LUCX is coming from the growing interest to THz radiation. High gradient photo-cathode RF gun and few tens of femto-second laser system can directly generate a pre-bunched electron beam of a few hundred femto-seconds. We have proposed a new approach to produce the intense beams in the range of 0.1-5 THz based on Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation (CSPR) in “super-radiant” regime on a 8 MeV electron beam at KEK LUCX accelerator. CSPR is generated when a charged particle moves in the vicinity of a periodical pattern or grating. The grating type and period can be chosen to make quasi-monochromatic CSPR spectrum. The radiation is coherent when its wavelength is comparable to or longer than the bunch length. It enters a “super-radiant” regime if micro-bunch spacing became comparable with radiation wavelength which is comparable to the grating period. To produce such a micro-bunch train of electrons a new Ti:Sa laser system for LUCX RF Gun has been developed. In this report the status of the experiment, Ti:Sa laser system, CSPR basic properties and vacuum chamber with manipulation system will be presented.